This week things are heating up in the studio with new music on Rebel Music, Fokuz, Spearhead, Galacy, Celsius, Interstellar Audio, footnotes, and more!
Mixmaster Doc and Dave Shichman - Another Special City [Fokuz]
Hiraeth & Bert H - Prisoners (Dustkey Remix) [Galacy]
Halftone - Aurora [Forthcoming Celsius]
SoulDR!P - UKW [Forthcoming Celsius]
Neuron - Morning Light [Fokuz]
Heymac - Cerasus [Interstellar Audio]
Marble Elephant - Whispers [Forthcoming Celsius]
Spectral - Crazy [Critical]
GEST - Scolopendra [Shogun]
Aaron Payne, Reflektor and RMS - No Future [Forthcoming Rebel Music]
Tokyo Prose & LSB - Infinite Blue [footnotes]
Wez Walker - Think Twice [Celsius]
Xoneout - Only Who [Forthcoming Influenza]
Blean - Chalet [Fokuz]
Emba & Karina Ramage - Night and Day [Spearhead]
Reburf - Attract [Fokuz]