Episode 310 - 'Morning Aurora'

This week things are heating up in the studio with new music on Rebel Music, Fokuz, Spearhead, Galacy, Celsius, Interstellar Audio, footnotes, and more!


Mixmaster Doc and Dave Shichman - Another Special City [Fokuz]

Hiraeth & Bert H - Prisoners (Dustkey Remix) [Galacy]

Halftone - Aurora [Forthcoming Celsius]

SoulDR!P - UKW [Forthcoming Celsius]

Neuron - Morning Light [Fokuz]

Heymac - Cerasus [Interstellar Audio]

Marble Elephant - Whispers [Forthcoming Celsius]

Spectral - Crazy [Critical]

GEST - Scolopendra [Shogun]

Aaron Payne, Reflektor and RMS - No Future [Forthcoming Rebel Music]

Tokyo Prose & LSB - Infinite Blue [footnotes]

Wez Walker - Think Twice [Celsius]

Xoneout - Only Who [Forthcoming Influenza]

Blean - Chalet [Fokuz]

Emba & Karina Ramage - Night and Day [Spearhead]

Reburf - Attract [Fokuz]